Computergate is proud to announce that it has been authorised by ATEN to offer Enhanced Warranty Service Programs and Extended & Advanced Warranty Services on its whole range of products throughout Australia & New Zealand. Over the past months, ATEN has been working with Computergate, to train technical staff and allocate spare parts in stocking locations in Melbourne & Auckland to enable Helpdesk & RMA support. Computergate is now authorised to provide an advanced service to enhance the factory warranty by offering an on-site service as well as extensions to the standard warranty.

As a recognised global service organisation by many other recognised vendors, Computergate has support capabilities throughout Australia, New Zealand & Asia. Computergate has been authorised by ATEN to provide ATEN customers peace of mind to know that it is backed with a full telephone and parts replacement service direct from Computergate.
Access to support directly from Computergate is via 1300 137 585 or atenau@computergate.services in Australia & 0800 886 077 or atennz@computergate.services in New Zealand, where our technicians will be able to assist with your request for support.
If you would like more information, please contact us on any of the above numbers and we can discuss further about any of our service offerings, not only for ATEN but many other products we support.