Strong relationships can make or break the growth of any product.
By joining Computergate’s Partner Services we will show you how to build a successful support model to create strong revenues throughout the channel.
“Good support ensures repeat business”, while Sales is important, on-going service & support is rarely considered in the total solution.
IT service & support is the lynch pin of a successful organisation. At Computergate we designed each service model from the ground up.
Our tried and true delivery process built over the past 15 years is highly recommended by each of our partners.
Whilst you focus on ‘Selling your Product’, Computergate is focused on world class IT & Computer network support to each and every client.
Our Partner program is designed to help your organisation improve on local service delivery by using our established & proven process.
Let us take care of your product warranty requirements, so you can focus delivering outstanding products and services.
Computergate’s Partner network offers service solutions throughout Asia Pacific to many vendors and distributors.
Partner Programs
Marketing and Lead Generation
We can work with your sales and marketing teams to run dedicated joint lead generation and awareness campaigns.
Marketing and Lead Generation support can include:
- Partner listing on Computergate website
- Access to Sales tools and marketing collateral
- Joint press and media announcements
- Case studies
- Webinar and event sponsorships
- Joint lead-generation campaigns including telesales, SEM and eDMs

Dedicated Account Manager & Sales Support
All partners are assigned a dedicated Account Manager to provide Sales support and strategy development.
Your Account Manager is your first point of call for:
- New sales opportunity and tender response support
- Access to subject-matter and technical expertise
- Joint Sales and marketing development
- Lead Generation programs
- Support escalation
- Support escalation