Guardian Shield provides businesses with solutions that protect and defend against incoming threats. We tailor solutions to fit the size, budget and level of protection required to ensure your business is receiving the maximum level of protection. Our solutions range from Network protection all the way to cyber security education for businesses.
Endpoint Protection
Guardian Shield provides endpoint protection to Mac and Windows devices including Windows Server for the best level of protection. Partnering with the leading providers of endpoint protection, Guardian Security Solutions are scaleable, affordable and effective in threat detection and removal.
Network Protection
Create a defensive wall and protect your infrastructure from incoming threats with our range of network level solutions, utilizing the best practise technology and conventions to ensure your protection.
Anti Spam Protection
In today’s environment, spam and malicious mail is one of the leading virus distribution methods. Protect your emails with Guardian Shield anti-spam solutions designed to protect your mailboxes.
Network Protection
Education is one of the best defences to any businesses Cyber Security approach. Phishing, Spam and Malware can potentially be avoided altogether with the right training and awareness. Guardian Shield offers Onsite demonstrations, online courses and phishing tests to improve your user base.
Risk Intelligence
Do you know what the cost of your data would be in the event it was stolen? Guardian Security offers Risk Intelligence technology that reviews data at a site, and provides a list of critical information including the cost if it was removed and sold illegally. Identify your critical data and protect it from vulnerabilities.
Take the Computergate Security Quiz
1. Do you have Endpoint Protection installed on your devices?
2. Do you have Endpoint Protection installed on your Servers?
3. Do you have a Firewall in place?
4. Are users regularly forced to change their passwords?
5. Do you have an Anti Spam Solution?
6. Are your staff regularly trained on upcoming threats?
7. Do you know what data in your environment contains sensitive data such as credit card numbers?
If the answer to any of these questions are No, then your business is at risk of threats.
Guardian Security is designed to provide solutions that protect all businesses from incoming threats, protecting your data and providing peace of mind.